Featured Fans
Each month we highlight one super-fan who deserves an honorable mention in our "hall of fame".

Taylor Oakley
First Date Contest Winner
After a grueling campaign for votes, Taylor was selected to go on a first date with Binko (July 2018). They attended a pottery class determined by fan polls.

Sylvia Lukowiak
More than a Screen Name
Originally a fan from Binko's BlogTV days in 2007, Sylvia later helped with The Escape in 2008, debut concert in 2010, and appeared in several videos!

Shawn & Joseph King
Surprise Encounter
As fans of Binko: Unscripted, it came as quite a shock to spot Binko taping in a crowd of over 500,000 people at Pride. They were invited to join the episode!

Mason Cornelison
A Long Time Coming...
After two years of waiting, Mason finally caught Binko at a concert. He was invited backstage for a special interview with Local First Podcast.

Mary Riley
#TeamBinko OG on BlogTV
One of Binko's earliest followers, Mary has been a fan since 2007. They finally met January 2015 while on his US tour in Los Angeles, CA.

James Apedaile
Proud Supporter
While James hasn't met Binko (yet), he has been a loving advocate for 5 years. He sports the merch, shares the videos, and engages on the daily!

Kevin Aubery
From Fan-to-Friend
Kevin met Binko for the first time at his 30th birthday. After years watching his videos, he later helped film them! They have since become close friends.

Roxana Parker
Beauty & Business
In 2012, Roxana was featured on a pilot episode with Binko. Reuniting to collaborate on her tanning business, she's been a huge supporter ever since!